Week 4 String Sensations
< Intermediate Group Performing New song: Ceol ars an tasal amhráin as gaeilge Drunken Sailor Teddy Bear Rock and Roll Instruments: Adding two note riffs Tin Whistle intro Hee Haw two pitches so do Student Ger added open string D on pizzicato cello Drunken Sailor 2 NOTE Riff on tin whistle and guitar https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8tZsiLja6jUaHZfSDFCOUx1OWM/view?usp=sharing Listening and responding T he Swan from The Carnival of the Animals . I played a live version on my viola. Listen to the version track no 5 on the mms special ten pieces cd or watch the video. Work sheet here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8tZsiLja6jUWS0tVks0eDFvN2M/view Viola Instruments of the Orchestra : The Viola Introducing the viola Find out more about the viola here http://www....