Week 4 String Sensations
Intermediate Group
New song: Ceol ars an tasal amhráin as gaeilge
Drunken Sailor
Teddy Bear Rock and Roll
Instruments: Adding two note riffs
Tin Whistle intro Hee Haw two pitches so do
Student Ger added open string D on pizzicato cello
Drunken Sailor
Teddy Bear Rock and Roll
Instruments: Adding two note riffs
Tin Whistle intro Hee Haw two pitches so do
Student Ger added open string D on pizzicato cello
Drunken Sailor 2 NOTE Riff on tin whistle and guitar
Listening and responding The Swan from The Carnival of the Animals. I played a live version on my viola. Listen to the version track no 5 on the mms special ten pieces cd or watch the video. Work sheet here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8tZsiLja6jUWS0tVks0eDFvN2M/view
Instruments of the Orchestra : The Viola
Introducing the viola Find out more about theviola here http://www.dsokids.com/listen/by-instrument/viola/.aspx
Looks like a violin but has one string C lower string below G .
Senior Group:
We had a special visit from Principal Ms O 'Shea who came to hear the singing and playing of the seniors after their first ukulele lesson.
We had a special visit from Principal Ms O 'Shea who came to hear the singing and playing of the seniors after their first ukulele lesson.
Seniors got to grips with a ukulele.
How to play read and play two strums
How to play a special effect -the tremolo
Distinguish between a major and minor chord.
How to play a special effect -the tremolo
Distinguish between a major and minor chord.
Two one chord songs Ireland's Call and Frere Jacque
FACT Beethoven was born 250 years ago in 1770
Da Da Da DAAAA Just 4 notes - one of the most famous openings in all classical music
Listen to 1st movement of Symphony no 5 in C minor track no 1 on MMS cd How many times do you hear then opening motif?
Listen out for the French Horn at 40 secs
Additional resources: file:///C:/Users/Cathy/Pictures/Beethoven%20pdf.pdf
Follow on material here
Junior Group:
New playground song from this collection.
The Big Ship Sails Down the Alley Alley Oh
4 verses 2 The Captain Says This will never never do
3 The Big Ship Sank to the Bottom of the sea
We'll all dip our heads in the deep blue sea
Adding percussion to our Three Little Pigs Story
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