Triads and Tricolours
Juniors learned a new action song, My Hat it Has Three Corners. Intermediates learned a new note in their wind instruments and Seniors learned three new one finger Ukulele chords and we had a mini St Patrick's Day celebration and there was time for a few fiddle tunes. Here is what we got up to this week.
Intermediates: Everyone in Ms O' Brien's Class has been issued with a recorder or tin whistle. Here are some of the exercises we have done in the last two classes. Try them at home. First get comfortable with the three upper notes BA and G. Then try our new note E
The fingering is the same for these notes on both instruments but if you have a recorder you must cover the hole at the back with your thumb.
Bill Was a Bandit Big Bad and Bold Burst in the Bank and Stole All the Gold
Ta titi Ta Ta Ta titi Ta- aa Ta titi Ta Ta Ta titi Ta-aa
Tin Whistle 2 fingers Recorder Thumb on underneath
Aon Dó Muc is Bó l Tri ceathair Mála leathair
Ta Ta titi Ta T titi titi titi.
Three fingers brings you down to the note G
Gilbert Goblin gobbled up a goat
Now try Aon Do Muc is Bó using two note s E and G
We learned a groovy new C7 chord . Here is the silly song we learned Play along with a strum damp strum damp
Next we learned an F chord.
Practice changing from C 7 to F (This is an easy version of F major)
You only need your first finger. Lift it and place it on the first and then the second string.,
C7 //// //// F//// ///
C7/// //// F//// ////
We used this sequence for the chorus of Yellow Submarine.
We used A minor to sing the Spirit Anthem and the chorus of We Will Rock You.
FINALE: We revised C major for the class rendition of Ireland's Call with Ukulele and Flag waving.
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