Every moment in the music classroom is previous but it seemed even more so this week. The news came through that schools would be closed for a while. Juniors learned a new action song, My Hat it Has Three Corners. Intermediates learned a new note in their wind instruments and Seniors learned three new one finger Ukulele chords and we had a mini St Patrick's Day celebration and there was time for a few fiddle tunes. Here is what we got up to this week. Intermediates: Everyone in Ms O' Brien's Class has been issued with a recorder or tin whistle. Here are some of the exercises we have done in the last two classes. Try them at home. First get comfortable with the three upper notes BA and G. Then try our new note E The fingering is the same for these notes on both instruments but if you have a recorder you must cover the hole at the back with your thumb. Bill Was a Bandit Big Bad and Bold Burst in the Bank and Stole All the Gold Ta t...
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